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Product Design
Project overview

My team’s work on this project involved modernizing a critical legacy product. Our challenge was to heighten overall usability to increase productivity and enhance customer service for a large national business that spanned industries such as insurance, travel and automotive. We addressed key problem areas with a product mindset, focused on delivering a streamlined experience despite the technical and design challenges of developing across two platforms, Salesforce and Cloud Native. Additionally, we remained cognizant of the change management implication of breaking the status quo.

Discovery User Experience Design Visual Design Development Support
12 Weeks
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Progress, but not for the sake of progress.

It’s natural for clients working with legacy products to approach the redesign process with apprehension. Taking a legacy product into the future impacts a person’s everyday life. We guided this project with a gentle but firm hand, ensuring that organizational impact was mitigated through thoughtful design choices and user testing. We pushed for progress, but not just for the sake of progress. We built trust by shepherding success that was approachable and by staying in scope—questions like what’s best for your users and what’s best for your spend guided our design process.

Funneling users toward a path of success.

Discovery was a huge part of this project. We observed two user groups, a Member Services Agent and Sales Agent during user interview sessions, asking them to walk us through how they’d complete tasks important to their work, and watching where they got stuck. We found that both customer-facing users and Admins were creating their own platform workarounds on the legacy system, which wasn’t funneling them toward a predictable path of success. Users also couldn’t identify why they were encountering errors and the system lacked proper feedback to guide them back on track. Often the interface was overwhelmed with heuristic violations, while the system lacked sufficient tools and data which created friction, bottlenecks and too much complexity.

There’s nothing wrong with saying “no,” but try a little bit of “yes.”

Implicit to working with a legacy product is advocating for “yes" when facing a lot of “no.” With trust in place, the future state of this product project involves a dynamic launchpad, which will serve users a tailored role-based experience. with a list of daily tasks upon logging in. We will also createhave a powerfulrobust shopping cart experience, which will enable agents through providing greater control and transparency while working with customers. show users exactly what they need to prioritize in order to be successful. The Member services experience for this client’s users will also be streamlined and modernized, prioritizing precisely what is needed for agents to be successful to and make it easier for agents to provide the excellent customer service that the client is known for.
Annual savings
Unit test coverage
Improved UX
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